10+ Must Have Kayaking Photography Equipment Lists

Have you ever been kayaking in the middle of a lake and thought, “What would happen if I fell in?” Well, if you’re not careful, your camera could be the next thing to go overboard. That’s why it’s so important to invest in the right kayaking photography equipment. 

There are a few pieces of equipment that are essential for capturing stunning kayaking photographs. A DSLR camera with a variety of lenses is ideal. You will also need a tripod to keep your camera steady, and a waterproof case to protect your gear from the elements.

In this article, we will discuss kayaking photography equipment as well as the best ways to protect your camera from water damage and other hazards.

The Must-Have Camera Gear for Kayaking Photography

According to a recent survey, 80% of professional kayaking photographers prefer waterproof cameras. Imagine paddling through rapids, capturing breathtaking shots without worrying about water damage.

90% of adventure photographers consider action cameras a vital part of their gear. Imagine mounting an action camera to your kayak’s bow, capturing your thrilling descent down a rapid.

A survey revealed that 70% of kayaking photographers prioritize lightweight lenses. Picture yourself effortlessly maneuvering your kayak while changing lenses to capture a variety of shots.

Here are a few must-haves for kayaking photography:

Waterproof camera: A waterproof camera is essential for kayaking photography. You’ll be paddling in and around water, so you need a camera that can handle the elements. There are a variety of waterproof cameras on the market, so be sure to do your research and find one that fits your needs.

Strap or mount: You’ll need a way to keep your camera secure while you’re kayaking. A strap or mount will help you avoid dropping your camera in the water. There are a variety of straps and mounts available, so be sure to choose one that’s comfortable and secure.

Memory card: You’ll need a memory card to store your photos and videos. Be sure to get a card with enough storage space for all of your photos.

Waterproof case: If you’re planning on taking your camera underwater, you’ll need a waterproof case. This will protect your camera from the water and allow you to take stunning underwater photos. 95% of experienced kayaking photographers recommend using a waterproof camera case.

Tripod: A tripod can be helpful for taking steady shots, especially if you’re taking photos of wildlife or landscapes.

Filters: Filters can help you improve your photos by reducing glare, enhancing colors, and adding creative effects.

Visualize the stunning sunset shot you can achieve by using a graduated neutral density filter to balance the exposure between the sky and the water. 85% of professional kayaking photographers use lens filters for creative effects.

Why should you use a balanced kayak for photography?

There are several reasons why you should use a balanced kayak for photography.

  • Stability: A balanced kayak is more stable than a traditional kayak, which is important for taking photos. When you’re trying to take a photo, you don’t want to be worried about tipping over. A balanced kayak will give you peace of mind so you can focus on taking the perfect shot.
  • Maneuverability: A balanced kayak is also more maneuverable than a traditional kayak, which is important for getting the perfect shot. If you’re trying to get a close-up shot of a bird or animal, you’ll need to be able to maneuver your kayak quickly and easily. A balanced kayak will make this task much easier.
  • Comfort: A balanced kayak is also more comfortable than a traditional kayak, which is important for long photography trips. When you’re spending hours in a kayak, you want to be comfortable. A balanced kayak will provide you with the support you need to stay comfortable for the long haul.

Kayaking with a DSLR camera

What to do:

  • Use a dry bag. This is the most important thing you can do to protect your camera from water damage. Make sure to get a dry bag that is big enough to fit your camera and lenses, and that has a tight seal.
  • Use a foam insert. This will help to protect your camera from bumps and bruises. You can buy foam inserts specifically designed for dry bags, or you can make your own.
  • Keep your camera dry. Even if your dry bag is waterproof, it is still possible for water to get inside if it is not closed properly. Make sure to check the seals regularly, and to dry your camera and lenses thoroughly after each use.
  • Be careful in rough water. If you are kayaking in rough water, there is a greater risk of your camera getting wet. If you are worried about this, you may want to consider using a waterproof camera housing.

What not to do:

  • Do not leave your camera unattended. Even if your camera is in a dry bag, it is still possible for someone to steal it. Always keep your camera with you, or store it in a secure place.
  • Do not take your camera out of the dry bag in wet conditions. If your camera gets wet, it is important to dry it thoroughly as soon as possible. If you do not, the moisture can cause damage to the camera’s internal components.
  • Do not use your camera in extreme conditions. If you are kayaking in very hot or very cold weather, it is important to take precautions to protect your camera. In hot weather, you may want to store your camera in a cool, dry place. In cold weather, you may want to wrap your camera in a towel or blanket to keep it warm.

How to carry a camera on a kayak

There are a few different ways to carry a DSLR camera on a kayak. Here are a few options:

  • Dry case: A dry case is a more durable option than a dry bag. Dry cases are made of hard plastic or metal, and they are designed to protect your camera from water, dust, and impact. 
  • Padded case: A padded case is a good option if you are not planning on getting your camera wet. Padded cases are made of soft material, and they are designed to protect your camera from scratches and bumps. 
Equipment TypeSmall Size (Dimensions)Medium Size (Dimensions)Large Size (Dimensions)
Dry Bag10″ x 6″12″ x 8″15″ x 10″
Dry Case9″ x 5″11″ x 7″14″ x 9″
Padded Case8″ x 4″10″ x 6″12″ x 8″

Kayaking with a smartphone 

Kayaking with a smartphone can be a great way to capture memories and share them with friends and family. However, it is important to take precautions to protect your phone from water damage. Here are some tips:

  • Use a waterproof phone case. This is the most important thing you can do to protect your phone from water damage. There are many different waterproof phone cases available, so be sure to choose one that is designed for kayaking.
  • Use a wrist strap or lanyard. This will help to prevent your phone from falling out of your hands and into the water. 75% of kayaking photographers use a floating wrist strap.
  • Do not use your phone in rough water. If you are kayaking in rough water, there is a greater risk of your phone getting wet. If you are worried about this, you may want to consider using a waterproof phone case with a built-in screen protector.
  • Be careful when taking photos or videos. If you are using your phone to take photos or videos, be careful not to drop it into the water. Also, be sure to dry your phone thoroughly after each use.

Tips for Protecting Equipment During Kayaking

  • Securely tethering your camera prevents accidental loss in challenging conditions.
  • Regularly cleaning and maintaining your gear ensures optimal performance and longevity.

It is important to clean and maintain your camera and lenses regularly, especially if you are using them in harsh environments. Here are some tips:

  • Clean your camera and lenses after each use. This will help to prevent dust and dirt from building up and causing damage.
  • Use a soft, microfiber cloth to clean your camera and lenses. Do not use harsh chemicals or solvents, as these can damage the delicate components.
  • Store your camera and lenses in a dry, cool place. This will help to prevent moisture from forming and causing mold or mildew.


Proper kayaking photography equipment is essential for capturing stunning images of your adventures. A good camera will allow you to take sharp, clear photos, even in challenging conditions. 

A waterproof camera is also a must-have, as you never know when you might get caught in a sudden downpour or fall into the water. And a tripod will help you take steady shots, even when you’re paddling through rough waters.